Posted: January 31, 2016 |
It is currently the last day of January, 2016, and I wanted to write an update with regard to my 2016 resolutions. 1. Start learning Italian - (600 day streak on DuoLingo) My goal for February is to keep up with my daily dose of DuoLingo (in case anyone was wondering, I have my goal set to 20 XP per day, or roughly two lessons). In a month or two I may choose to increase this to 30 or 40 XP per day, but I don't believe that at this time that would be a sustainable change. 2. Keep at least a 10.5 GPA across all courses 3. Write an ebook Another thought of mine is to become much more aware as to the myriad of social media platforms that are currently available and write about them. This could lead to multiple books and potentially a business focusing in this area. However, my worry with this idea is the sheer amount of time that would be required to become proficient in each area. My goal for February is to pick a book topic and start to develop a rough outline. 4. Spend semesters 2 & 3 at university getting more involved with everything Laurier offers As an Upgrade Rep, I attend two weekly meetings. The first meeting occurs on Tuesday and consists of the Upgrade Rep(s) from each of the 12 residences (each residence has between one and two reps), as well as four upper year students who act as advisors. At this meeting we brainstorm ideas about how we can help first-year students all across campus. Our mission is to "aim to promote a balanced lifestyle in first year. By highlighting tools to achieve academic success while promoting all that the Laurier campus has to offer, students will be able to make the most of their first year." During the month of January, Upgrade organized two major events: Tips and Dip, a networking event for first-year students and their professors which had over 100 students in attendance and Game of Hawks, an expo competition where over 200 students across 12 residences competed against each other in 6 different challenges. I also attend a House Council meeting every Wednesday night. This meeting consists of all of the King St. House Council members, of which there are about 25. We are responsible for planning individual events for our building as well as helping to increase the excitement for University-wide events and competitions. As one of the two Upgrade reps for my building, I am responsible for taking the important information discussed at the Upgrade meeting on Tuesday and passing it along to my residence House Council on Wednesday. Both councils are comprised of very motivated individuals and I am happy to be a part of them. As you can see, I am very excited to be one of two First-Year Upgrade Reps for my residence. This is an amazing opportunity for me to get involved with Laurier and also to meet new people. I spent most of January learning the ropes, and my goal for February is to get more involved within both aspects of my role.
Thank you for reading through my January update. I am very pleased with the way that this year has started off, and I am very much looking forward to what February brings with it. |
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